i'm gonna shorten this... ALOT... because i have over 6 months of crap to catch up on!

literally the DAY after the can-opener rally, hubby starting ripping the floor up, a section at a time. this is the beginning of January. we replaced a section each time we pulled a section, so that the shell was never not supported. unfortunatly, about halfway through the month, due to what i can only call a tragic accident (and i will not go into any more detail than that) we lost two of our 3 dogs. they're now buried side by side in a pleasant sunny spot.
end of the month, the new axles arrived... much to the chagrin of my father. we had man

y fights over 'who knows best' for OUR future home-to-be, but hubby and i won out in the end. due to various problems, it took the majority of February to get the axles installed. halfway thru the month, one of them fell on my dad's finger, crushing it and requiring 9 stitches. i also about that time found time to install new LED taillights, and a nifty set of reverse indicators.

March i got a nice digital camera. no more camera phone pics! yay! other than that, March was very uneventful. we got the stabilizers installed. it rained alot, it was way colder than Florida has any right to be, and we helped my dad get his bus ready alot.
April started out on a great note of someone stealing the water heater we intended to install. we went and got a new one from Carpenter's Campers on Rt. 29 in Pensacola, and they gave us a
great deal because of the situation. everything we've needed to buy since then, we've gone to them for! i also replaced all the running lights. that was the BEGINNING of April. we went and did something crazy at the end of April! we went camping! lol.