after a very enjoyable 5 months in Virginia, we hit the road again, and this time ended up in Cape Canaveral FL, or more specifically, the Titusville KOA in Mims, FL. Both KOA's have had extremely slow internet connection, but i really MUST update now, or i probably never will again. lol
anyways... Space Coast FL is beautiful... and i have a good spot that's in the sun in the am, and in the shade by noon.

and the thing that prompts me to post this evening is this: i just watched my first ever shuttle launch. i mean, of course i've watched them on TV... but this was the first time i've seen one personally, with my own eyes... watched the glow and the smoke trail, heard the roar, felt the rumble. very cool.
moar pics!:
also going on this week: earlier in the week there was a big brush-fire close to the park, and ash fell like snow. it was interesting, to say the least.