Saturday, November 14, 2009


yikes. it is seriously time for some catch-up. ok, last time i posted was from Titusville FL. since then, I found a job in Abilene TX that was much better than the one in FL, so off we went. We stopped in Pensacola FL along the way to surprise my mom for her birthday. she cried. here we are in the KOA in Gulf Shores AL...the only KOA in the entire state!

It was Eric's and my first time in Texas, so we were excited.Luna, however, was unimpressed.

Abilene was a lot of fun, but very dusty and windy and somewhat bland. one exciting thing was there's an actual honest-to-goodness drive-in theater there. We went and watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. that was an experience for me! my first time at the drive-in! we also had one of the best steaks i've ever had in my life at Sharon's Lytle Land and Cattle. if you're ever in Abilene, go. you won't regret it. there's also a bunch of cool museums and old buildings in downtown Abilene.
the Paramount theater. all restored. "Mestena" (means "Mustang" in Spanish)
i don't know. but it looks cool
Denzel Crocker lives in Abilene. who knew?

When our time was up there, we went to Coffeyville Kansas to help with their Christmas rush. what were we thinking?!? o right... 11 bucks an hour... that's what.

I'll TRY to update more often now. 'specially since my old phone crapped out and i got a new one, so i can even update mobile-y. we're headed back to Texas for next spring/summer... Amarillo this time. rawr.