anyone who tells you it never gets cold down south is either full of it, or they've never spent any time down here. this is what i woke up to this morning.
now granted, it all burned off a half hour later, once the sun was really hitting it, and its supposed to get nice later, it was still DARN chilly this morning!
in other news... lol last week, after we'd been camp hosts for all of... 2 days? another Airstream showed up on the lot! well of course, i had to wander on over and investigate. turns out, it belongs to a member of the same forums i belong to! Airstream Forums! i sat around and talked to them for so long, my husband almost sent out the search parties for me! they left the next day, but later that evening, ANOTHER Airstream pulled in! no pictures of this one, sorry. and on Sunday night, we had one more come in real late at night. imagine that... we spent all that time in various state parks and never saw any, and now we've seen 3 in a week!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
God is still laughing....
well. sorry for the long time with no posts. my ability to get online for the last month has been patchy at best. we were originally in the Memphis TN area (where we picked up Moby) because, due to changing plans, we were trying to get a job with a trucking company. Swift, specifically. well, they jerked us around for over a month, and finally ... FINALLY... told both of us we weren't hired, so here we are, broke, no job, no plan, in a very crappy area. i apologize to anyone who lives there, but Memphis TN and West Memphis Arkansas are the armpit of america. (at least the parts of them that i saw).
not really sure what else to do, i turned to searching online, when i could get online (free wifi at McAllister's Deli) i searched for how did other RVers make money on the road. most of what i found pointed at workamping... or work camping. where usually a camper, or a camping couple, will do some kind of minor job for a park (anything from office help to maintenance) and stay for no charge. sometimes, depending on how much work there is to do, there's a salary involved. well, i started looking, making phone calls, sending e-mails, and everything... and we found a nice little park right on the outskirts of Montgomery AL. i making this post sitting behind the desk on my first official 'day on the job'. we get to stay for no charge for the simple task of working 3 weekends a month. thats not bad at all for a park with full hook-ups and free cable and wifi! plus, if we clean the bathhouse 3 times a week, we get $15 for each time cleaned. not much, but not bad for about an hour's worth of work, either. There's also alot of construction going on localy, so my husband might be able to get into that for a little more money coming in. good news... good news... good news :D
and the title... was because i had, when we were driving to FL for the very first time, complained to my husband about how all the AL drivers i had ever had any experience with were, shall we say... not so good...and my assertation was backed up shortly after we first entered the state, and got cut off by a poor driver while trying to enter a parking lot so we could stop for food. almost caused a wreck. well... after all my complaining... where are we? Alabama!
the park we're staying in is The Woods RV Park. if you're ever in the neighborhood... come check it out. :D
not really sure what else to do, i turned to searching online, when i could get online (free wifi at McAllister's Deli) i searched for how did other RVers make money on the road. most of what i found pointed at workamping... or work camping. where usually a camper, or a camping couple, will do some kind of minor job for a park (anything from office help to maintenance) and stay for no charge. sometimes, depending on how much work there is to do, there's a salary involved. well, i started looking, making phone calls, sending e-mails, and everything... and we found a nice little park right on the outskirts of Montgomery AL. i making this post sitting behind the desk on my first official 'day on the job'. we get to stay for no charge for the simple task of working 3 weekends a month. thats not bad at all for a park with full hook-ups and free cable and wifi! plus, if we clean the bathhouse 3 times a week, we get $15 for each time cleaned. not much, but not bad for about an hour's worth of work, either. There's also alot of construction going on localy, so my husband might be able to get into that for a little more money coming in. good news... good news... good news :D
and the title... was because i had, when we were driving to FL for the very first time, complained to my husband about how all the AL drivers i had ever had any experience with were, shall we say... not so good...and my assertation was backed up shortly after we first entered the state, and got cut off by a poor driver while trying to enter a parking lot so we could stop for food. almost caused a wreck. well... after all my complaining... where are we? Alabama!
the park we're staying in is The Woods RV Park. if you're ever in the neighborhood... come check it out. :D
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Moby dog!
ok, long story short, this little guy was owned by some young people who still lived at home with their dad. dad said "dog can't stay in our house!" (prime example of why you should always ok it with whoever yer living with FIRST before you bring home that cute lil fuzzy!) so he lived with the grandparents. all was well until he started growing up and getting stronger. it seems his young exuberant puppy self was too much for the people he was with, and he apparently pulled grandma off the front porch about a week or so ago. they said "enough is enough" and gave him to a friend of thiers. he let the little guy run free... because he couldn't afford to erect a fence. so he took to hanging out at the campground we're staying at. and last night he came directly to our trailer. and never left. all night.
i took him home the next morning, and he chased the truck BACK to the campsite.
we asked the owner about it, and he said "ya want him? i can't keep him, and i don't wanna see him get run over on the road or shot by a hunter. give him a good home, and he's yours."
so... we have another dog now. O.o
i took him home the next morning, and he chased the truck BACK to the campsite.
we asked the owner about it, and he said "ya want him? i can't keep him, and i don't wanna see him get run over on the road or shot by a hunter. give him a good home, and he's yours."
so... we have another dog now. O.o
Men plan, and God laughs.
Here we are, trying to downsize our life, getting rid of stuff, etc., and this little guy up and adopted US last night. He just wandered up and made himself at home. I'll explain more, ALOT more when i get online again, but we named him Moby. Mobile post.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
What was old is new again...
Our travels took us literally right by the Airstream dealer in Cookville TN, which was the place that saved our bacon when we first picked the AS up. We decided to stop in for the heck of it :-) The picture is us parked in front of one of the brand new models there. Upon examining some of the features of the new trailers, I realized that all the really cool stuff we added, like the twist-lock power cord inlet and the single water inlet, are all things that the new AS come with...standard or as options. Our trailer only LOOKS old. It may as well be brand new off the showroom floor!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Get off the computer and play with meeee
Wow. Sorry for the long time no update. Anyway, we were in Newfane VT. It's BEAUTIFUL there, but there is NO cell service out there! We finished up our cabinet doors, then we headed to an RV show in Hershey, PA. The AIR even smells like chocolate there! And now we're off again. :-) mobile post.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Life lesson for the day...
Never ever EVER drive thru or around Boston at 10pm on a holiday weekend. We went past Boston after visiting Salem last night, and within the span of an hour I was almost in three different accidents! All three caused by someone trying to get into a traffic lane already occupied by another car.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
After 1300 miles...
For anyone who wondered how sturdy my lights would turn out to be, this is after we reached Vermont from Florida. Looks good to me. :-)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Yeah...they tow good
We arrived in CT on friday and stayed in a nice state forest till today. Today we moved to another location where hubby could play with his power tools. We still need to make doors and drawers, after all. Well, we just towed thru the bumpy roads and traffic signals of Hartford with all this junk in our cabinets. Only two things fell out. :-)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
There stands Jackson, like a stone wall.
Stopped at the Manassas National Battlefield Park. Funny, i lived in the area for 10 years and never went to the park. Now i have! More photos later, this is all i have on my phone. Mobile post.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Thought for the day...
Freedom is stopping for a lazy hour at a rest stop to cook lunch instead of NEEDING to track down a McDonalds because you drove till you were starving.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Not all wine and roses...
Well, we stayed in Tugaloo state park for two days. There was a lovely lake there, and last might we went for a stroll down the shoreline. After enjoying the walk for a while, i accidently slipped in mud and scraped up my leg pretty good. I'm ok, but it does sting.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
way down yonder on the Chatahoochi...
We layed rubber on the Georgia asphalt, we got a little crazy, but we didn't get caught! Crossed the river into ga this morning. Stopped at stone mt. In the afternoon. All in all a good day. Mobile post.
FINALLY on the road!
We left yesterday, only a week and a half late. bleh. And it seems hubby didn't learn the lesson taught by Luna bending and squeezing out the back hatch on our last trip, and left her loose in the trailer. She ripped out every single screen. At least she stayed in the trailer this time. This was a mobile update. :-)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
well. we thought we were gonna leave over a week ago now. but things didn't happen the way they were supposed to. partly due to hubby's brother saying "oh, no. i already had plans, don't worry about being here for my birthday. i won't be there"
i was feelin kinda bummed about it... so i decorated
handmade curtains, got the fabric supercheap (85% off original price) because a local fabric store was going out of business. i got enough to cover the dinette cushions, too. and my stuffed unicorn/pegasus/horse collection. scratch curtains off the "to do" list.
we SHOULD be leaving tomorrow.
Monday, August 6, 2007
whooooo! we're *technically* road ready!
stove is in, sink is in. old sink, new faucet . Comet does amazing things. floor is in, and Luna approves. Luna also approves of the placement of her 'den'. toilet is in.

things still to be done to FINISH the trailer:
fabricate cabinet doors and drawers
hook up all propane lines
wire in inverter
sew covers for cushions and sew curtains

stove is in, sink is in. old sink, new faucet . Comet does amazing things. floor is in, and Luna approves. Luna also approves of the placement of her 'den'. toilet is in.
things still to be done to FINISH the trailer:
fabricate cabinet doors and drawers
hook up all propane lines
wire in inverter
sew covers for cushions and sew curtains

Sunday, August 5, 2007
almost done!
kitchen cabinets in, kitchen countertop in (its not anchored down yet in this photo, so don't worry about the funny angle its sitting at) bathroom countertop finished, but again, not anchored down. and the shower stall is almost finished (fought half the day with that stupid white stuff

in all likelihood... carpet and tile will be going in tomorrow. hopefully.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Getting closer.....
just a little bit more cabinetry to go... got most of the curbside cabinets in today... despite hubby injuring himself.
also installed, hooked up, and tested a washer/dryer combo. gotta be prepared if ya run outta clean socks and underwear, ya know?
tomorrow the rest of the cabinets will go in. along with, hopefully, the stove and sink. horay!
Monday, July 30, 2007
The bathroom!
The bathroom is nearly finished. YAY! Very minor work left to be done on it. This is also my first time testing out the 'mobile posting' option. :-)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Land Yacht?

let no one say i don't have a sense of humor.
Airstreams are called land yachts. more recently the term is applied to their motor homes, but back in the '60s and '70s, their trailers were badged with the term. see?
well. i was talking with friends about pirates, and ships, and other such things, and this pic just popped into my head, demanding to be drawn.

Friday, July 27, 2007
FINALLY all caught up!!!
yay! anyways, what happened so far in the month of July was: bed framing was finished, and electrical panels installed into them, walls started going up,
and cabinets are being built and stained. the mini-dishwasher, fr
and washer/dryer combo have gone in and are ready for use, and the dinette seats have been built.

we have a goal of leaving by August 6th to make it to CT by August 10th, for family birthdays. It is now the evening of July the 27th. We have 10 days. wish us luck!

we have a goal of leaving by August 6th to make it to CT by August 10th, for family birthdays. It is now the evening of July the 27th. We have 10 days. wish us luck!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
near the end of May we finally got all the electrical done... at which point it was time to start re-installing the inner shell! boy, that was a fun giant jigsaw puzzle to figure out! after it was all put back together, we taped everything off and hubby sprayed it down with a nice light fresh blue-green color.
next was some nifty ceiling lights modified from standard house lights,
the beginning of June saw the addition of a new valve
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